Millions will be spent on South Quay site in Pembroke

BBC Pembrokeshire CastleBBC
The council hopes to bring more tourists to the area

About £4m will be spent on redeveloping the South Quay building in Pembroke.

The investment is part attempts by Pembrokeshire Council to turn the town into a top visitor destination.

Funding for the site next to the castle, which will include a visitor centre, comes in the form of £3m from the Welsh Government and £1m from the council.

The plans were announced on Friday at the "Visit Pembroke: Birthplace of Dynasty" event.

Paul Miller, the local authority's cabinet member for economy, tourism, leisure and culture, said the improvement of South Quay is "crucial for the regeneration of the town."

The site in Pembroke which the council plans to turn into a visitor centre
The site will be transformed into a Henry Tudor Visitor Centre

The plans are now subject to a final business case and agreement with local stakeholders before they can go ahead.