Driffield crossbow attack victim begged emergency services to save partner

Facebook Shane Gilmer and Laura SugdenFacebook
Shane Gilmer and Laura Sugden were attacked in their home in Southburn, near Driffield

A man shot by his crossbow-wielding neighbour begged emergency services to save his pregnant girlfriend rather than himself, an inquest has heard.

Shane Gilmer, 30, called 999 after Anthony Lawrence attacked him and his partner Laura Sugden in their home in Driffield, East Yorkshire in 2018.

He told the call handler: "I need them to find her. I don't want them to help me," Hull Coroners Court heard.

Mr Gilmer also asked them to tell his two children he loved them.

Lawrence, who had been served with an eviction notice after the couple made a complaint about a smell of cannabis from his property, broke into their home through an adjoining loft hatch on 12 January and waited in a bedroom for them to return home.

The inquest heard he shot Mr Gilmer through the arm and torso.

Lawrence then turned the weapon on Ms Sugden, shooting her in the head and then driving the crossbow bolt into her neck after she removed it, but she escaped and ran to a nearby house.

Humberside Police Anthony LawrenceHumberside Police
Lawrence was served with an eviction notice after the couple complained about a smell of cannabis

Police spent two days hunting for Lawrence before he was found dead in a vehicle parked in a lay-by in the North York Moors.

On Tuesday, a transcript of Mr Gilmer's 999 call was read out to the jury.

During the call he repeatedly told the call handler he thought he was going to die and said he believed Lawrence had taken Ms Sugden.

He went on to say: "I need to say something. I love my children."

Towards the end of the call, Mr Gilmer said: "I feel like I'm fading, I've lost so much blood."

The inquest heard that the call ended shortly after police arrived at the house and told Mr Gilmer that Ms Sugden was safe.

Transcripts of an emergency call made by Ms Sugden was also read out to the jury, in which she said: "Can you get police? He's going to kill me."

The inquest continues.

Police cars parked in front of a house
The couple lived next door to Lawrence, who got into their home by breaking an adjoining loft wall
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