Northern Ireland Executive2 days agoIrish signs at Grand Central Station to cost £150kIrish language campaigners had called for the move, but some unionist politicians have criticised the spending.2 days agoNorthern Ireland Politics3 days agoNI Water £3m overspend leads to investigationThe decision was taken by Infrastructure Minister Liz Kimmins and was announced in the assembly.3 days agoNorthern Ireland Politics13 Mar 2025Health leaders warn of cuts equivalent to 10,000 staffNICON, which represents leaders of HSC organisations, described the draft budget as "unworkable".13 Mar 2025Northern Ireland Politics13 Mar 2025Maze Prison regeneration 'limited to health and safety'Plans to regenerate the site near Lisburn have been in limbo for almost 12 years due to a political row.13 Mar 2025Northern Ireland Politics6 Mar 2025Stormont appoints new commissioner for older peopleA former director at the charity Age NI, Siobhan Casey, has been appointed the new Commissioner for Older People for Northern Ireland.6 Mar 2025Northern Ireland27 Feb 2025Programme for government agreement an important milestone - O'NeillMinisters agree on the programme one day after a decision on the finalised document was postponed.27 Feb 2025Northern Ireland Politics16 Feb 2025£200,000 support scheme for Sandy Row tradersBusinesses have raised concerns over footfall due to the closure of Boyne Bridge in the city.16 Feb 2025Northern Ireland3 Feb 2025Conor Murphy quits Stormont after being elected to the SeanadConor Murphy secures one of the 60 seats available with the support of Sinn Féin TDs.3 Feb 2025Northern Ireland Politics28 Jan 2025Councils to receive £45m from StormontIt is likely to be one of Economy Minister Conor Murphy's last actions before his expected election to the Seanad.28 Jan 2025Northern Ireland Politics...