Green Party reveals by-election candidate

Paul Burnell
BBC News
Green Party Chris Copeman, who has short greying red hair and a short beard, and wears glasses, is standing looking at the camera. He is wearing a purple shirt.Green Party
Chris Copeman is standing for the Green Party in the Runcorn and Helsby by-election

The Green Party has revealed its candidate in the contest for the parliamentary seat left vacant by the resignation of MP Mike Amesbury.

Chris Copeman, the leader of the Greens on Cheshire West and Chester Borough Councillor, who represents Helsby Ward, will stand in the Runcorn and Helsby by-election on 1 May.

"This by-election is an opportunity for a real shake up," he said.

Amesbury resigned after he received a prison sentence - which was later suspended - for assault.

Copeman, 54, who is a vet, was first elected to the council in 2023 and is one of two Greens who sit on it.

He said housing is at the heart of his agenda and he is determined to tackle the housing crisis, particularly in Runcorn, where a lack of affordable, social and good-quality homes is pushing families into despair.

"Everyone deserves a secure place to live," he said.

He is one of six candidates who have declared so far.

They are Paul Duffy (Liberal Democrats), Peter Ford (Workers Party of Britain),

Sean Houlston (Conservative), Sarah Pochin (Reform UK), Karen Shore (Labour).

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