Bus services cancelled due to rowdy school pupils

David Knox
BBC Scotland News
Borders Buses A white double decker passing through a busy streetBorders Buses
Borders Buses say anti-social behaviour incidents on its services are isolated

Rowdy school pupils are forcing the cancellations of bus services in a Borders town.

Despite efforts by transport and education bosses over the past year, anti-social behaviour has continued on the Hawick town service in the hour before and after school.

This week two late afternoon services between the town centre and Burnfoot housing estate were cancelled due to the abusive and aggressive behaviour.

A spokesperson for Borders Buses said: "It has reached the point where we are having to cancel services because of this type of behaviour."

Transport chiefs in the Borders say that anti-social behaviour is limited to isolated incidents.

But Hawick has been the one problem area with pupils travelling to and from school on public service buses.

A Borders Buses spokesperson added: "Hawick and, in particular, Burnfoot is where most of these type of incidents happen.

"We are talking to the school, and I know the school is talking to the parents, but we need this type of behaviour to stop.

"Our staff and passengers shouldn't have to put up with screaming, shouting and these people, generally, being anti-social."

Drivers on Hawick services are now being instructed to call the police if rowdy pupils refuse to leave the bus.

Police Scotland say they are determined to stamp out anti-social behaviour.

Community sergeant Alison Granger said: "Anti-social behaviour causes misery in our communities and we take all reports of this kind of behaviour seriously.

"We continue to work with partners, including the local council, to seek long term solutions."

Scottish Borders Council was approached for comment.