Jersey landlords urged to be clear on pet policy

Landlords in Jersey have been urged to include a clause setting out their policy on pets in their tenancy agreements.
The advice comes after the Government of Jersey issued new guidance for the keeping of pets in rental properties.
It said the guidance was based on the principle that tenants should be able to enjoy the same ability as homeowners to keep pets in a rental property.
Tenants should be able to request to keep pets in rental properties unless there was a good reason for a landlord to refuse, it said.
The guidance adds: "If there are any reasons why you cannot allow pets or certain types of pets, these restrictions should also be made clear to tenants."
In its new advice, the government also urges tenants to ensure the property they want to rent will be suitable if they intend to keep a pet.
"This is particularly important if you already own a pet and intend for this pet to live with you," it says.
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